Do you often catch yourself looking at people with nice hair wondering how they do it? While you might think that people that have nice hair sure are lucky, they follow guidelines that you can use as well. In the article that follows, you will learn what you need to know to have beautiful hair.
For those who frequently wear ponytails, wear the ponytail in different spots of your hair. Even fabric-covered, soft scrunchies might result in repeated stress and may result in breakage. If you have to tie up hair for your job, let it down when you are not working.
If you have dull or lifeless hair, consider changing your diet. A well-balanced diet containing high-quality protein, B-12 and iron are important for healthy hair. A good multivitamin can help you get all of the nutrients you need if the foods you eat don’t do the job.
Use a conditioning treatment only if your hair appears to look dry. Once you have washed your hair and wrung out some of the wetness, apply your conditioner and then pop on a shower cap for a few minutes. The extra heat created by the cap allows the conditioner to penetrate further into your hair follicles.
Don’t think that the myth that trimming your hair to make it grow faster is true. Human hair grows at a constant rate, about 1/2 inch each month, no matter how much you cut it. You may see slightly faster growth in summer, or if you take biotin supplements, but it’s hormones that control growth, not your stylist’s scissors. Frequent trims, however, can be advisable if you have a problem with split ends.
Use hair products that have sunscreen to prevent your hair from being damaged from the sun. You can find your hair damaged from the sun, so do your best to keep it from being harmed. When you’re protecting your hair you will guarantee longevity as well as the preservation of its color.
To avoid breakage caused by brittle or dry hair, it is imperative that you ensure your hair retains moisture. Adjusting the water temperature of your shower or bath can help. When your shampoo session is finished, always rinse with cold water. This assists with locking moisture into your hair shafts.
There are now products available that will give your hair the effect of just having bathed in the salty ocean. Look for the words “salt spray” on sprays. Try putting together a teaspoon of salt and one cup of water for your own mixture. Then, add about ten drops of lavender oil and now, you have the ocean in a bottle.
Blow Dryer
Reduce how much you blow dry your hair. Blow dryers use heat that can be very damaging to your hair. Instead, let your hair air dry whenever possible. When you simply must use your blow dryer, try to use the coolest setting possible, and move the dryer around the head constantly. In order to minimize the amount of time you need to use the blow dryer, towel dry your hair first.
Give your dried out hair a treat with a simple and inexpensive deep-conditioning treatment. Apply a generous portion of conditioner to your wet hair. Wrap your hair up into a warm towel that is slightly damp. Leave your hair up for about 30 minutes and then shampoo the conditioner out of your hair.
Resist the habit of using only one type or brand of hair products. When you change brands every now and then, your hair may react positively. For example, products from one line may help to remove styling product buildup; another may be more effective for preventing dandruff or itching.
Steer clear of damage and excess breakage by only brushing hair when it is dry. It is best to use a soft bristle brush and a wide toothed comb. If your hair is thick, comb tangles out one section at a time.
Maintaining your overall health is a great way to ensure healthy hair. Don’t smoke and keep a watch on your stress level. Also, exercise, eat well, get plenty of water and you will see the quality of your hair reflect your hard work. Believe it or not, these things, as well as getting enough sleep, will make all the difference.
Using alcohol-based styling products may dry your hair out after prolonged use. Try not to put products on your scalp – it can clog your pores. These two things will add to the problem of unhealthy hair.
Upon exiting the shower, it is important to towel dry the hair gently, and not be too rough. Being rough can cause breakage. A different technique would be to gently squeeze your hair to let extra moisture out. After that, use a towel and pat it dry. Also, use a softer towel.
If you have curly hair, you should avoid washing it more than twice a week. Use special conditioners every day so you can untangle hair while wet. Do not use a blow dryer afterward if you want to avoid excessive frizz from appearing.
You may be tempted to perm, highlight or dye your hair yourself to save money, but these are processes best left to professionals. Your hair can be severely damaged by home kits, and it can cost a lot of money to fix it. A hair professional can get you the desired results without ruining your hair.
Hair grows at a rate of about a half an inch each month. Although some people think trims make it grow faster, it simply looks as if it does. This is simply because frizz, split ends, and other damage can take away from the look of the hair. For this reason, it is in your best interest to get regular trims.
You too can have beautiful hair! When you learn to style your hair properly, you will have nice hair you have always wanted. Use the information you learned here and watch the state of your hair improve. Before long, your friends will be asking what secrets you have for your hair.